Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Christmas n' what not.

Christmas is here and will pass in a few hours and then a new year will begin just days later. This is truly my favorite time of year. Once autumn begins and Halloween rolls around, I'm as happy as can be. I sort of hated Christmas as a kid though. I was an idiot child and I didn't appreciate the fact that I still had living relatives who were willing to put up with me. I'm sure they loved me in some weird and distant way, and I loved them just the same. Sometimes I wonder if they think I'm a jerk. I'm just a distant person and I like my solitude. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. Alright, this post is taking a turn I didn't intend. I just wanted to post up some photos of the past weeks. Like our awesome and majestic Christmas tree! Our lovely Christmas cookies and other stuff. So here are a few photos from the 2010 Holiday season.

It's been a lovely holiday and everyone seems to be in high spirits. In other news, I managed to get a job in the mall and I didn't really like it at first. My co-workers have been so wonderful and inviting and I am glad to have met them. The Christmas party for the other company I work for went really well. The first time I had attended, it wasn't so fun and I felt awkwardly shy. I missed last years bash and so it was necessary I attend this one. Especially since we had a lot of new hires and I mean A LOT! Most however did not attend so the party was a little more intimate. I won the karaoke contest and we played Dance Party on kinect. Alright, I suppose that is all for now. 

I leave you now with two of the best Christmas songs ever. EVER.

Late gators! Hope everyone had a lovely holiday season. <3

Monday, November 29, 2010

Aww, I love when Cloud sleeps in my chair.

It's his favorite napping spot. <3 kitties.

Well alright.

Thanksgiving has passed and now comes Christmas. Got to say, I'm pretty darn excited. Though, I am broke and probably won't be able to buy many gifts. I am sure it will all turn out well. We're expecting to have a massive tree this year and Mas's mom is going to have it "snowed". It's supposed to be delivered tomorrow afternoon, so I'll be taking pictures a plenty. Once I get home from work, I may have to decorate it myself. Although, I've got a feeling that it may get done before hand. Everyone seems pretty excited about Christmas.

Our Thanksgiving went well. I baked 16 pumpkin pies the night before and woke up bright and early to start the turkey. We wanted to have a Thanksgiving lunch rather than dinner. Mas stayed in the kitchen and kept me company which made it all the more better. I dread cooking alone in the kitchen. It just gets so boring. Company makes it go by much faster and it's just more pleasant. We watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and we made our own commentary. It was lovely. We didn't have much of a spread on the table because our table chairs are all broken. We only have 3 left so it was decided everyone would gather round the table, talk about what they are thankful for, and then go about their day and eat wherever they wanted. I won't go into too much detail, but after everyone had eaten a bit, there was a bit of a scuffle that went on for some time. It was pretty insane, but everyone seems fine now. I just hope it's all done with and Christmas goes well. Anyway, here are a few snapshots of our day, before the craziness.

Alright then, I'll be off now. I'll see if I can get around to posting something a bit more interesting. I must say, I  envy them cool blogs with cool stuff and cool people. Ah well. Later gators.

Monday, November 22, 2010


I have not made good on ANY of my promises it seems. Well, I don't actually remember making promises, but I said I would try harder to do stuff. I have simply not tried at all. Ah well, It's the end of the year and frankly, I just don't care anymore. All I can think about now is how I'm going to get by the next couple of months. I've been sort of laid off from work and I managed to get myself a holiday job, unfortunately, said holiday job is not going to be able to provide decent hours. So, either way, I'm in a bit of a financial pickle. It's not that big a deal really. My guy is more than capable of handling our finances alone, but it just doesn't seem fair to me and I love being able to contribute. Especially during the holidays. Which brings me to another subject of great stress. I have no idea what to buy for the people I love this year. Mas keeps saying he doesn't want anything, but I love buying him gifts. So for the past 4 or 5 hours all I've done is browsed around Amazon, Ebay, and Etsy. Got a few ideas and I think it's gonna turn out well. I'm just super excited. This is the time of year I love most. Sweaters and coats. Baking and snuggling. It's awesome!

This is the part where I make a few vows and then 3 months later I come back and say how I didn't work on either. That's just how I work. Vow 1! Sew more. Vow 2! Band name. I can't think of anymore. Oh wait, I got it. Vow 3! Take more pictures and videos. I've got to remember to use my camera more often. I must! Alright, that's it for now. I'll be back. Eventually.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween, hooray!

Woke up super early today. Well, earlier than usual. Yesterday, Sam and I went shopping around to find some stuff to finish out my costume for today. We don't have plans to go anywhere,only handing out candy tonight. Just as we do every year. 

About 5 or 6 years ago, I found a sweet yellow vinyl coat and thought it would be perfect for a Jubilee costume. So, I bought it and every Halloween I plan on actually using it but never follow through. Finally, after years packed in a box, I am going to use it! I doubt most of the children will know who I am. X Men was an awesome cartoon back in my day. Watched it religiously. I really don't think kids today are familiar with it though, but its alright. 

I'm wondering, and not sure how I feel about this. A co-worker had a Halloween party. I was not invited. I'm not sure if I should be hurt by this. I don't really know how well liked I am at work. Everyone had talked about it and it seems that all were invited, except for myself. I would not have gone. So I guess I shouldn't be hurt. I'm not hurt, just a little confused. I think I want to be hurt. Come to think of it, I'm never invited anywhere by my co-workers. Well, that's a lie, sometimes they do invite me out for drinks. I have yet to take them up on their offers. Maybe I should make an effort to get out more. I've just always been a solitary person. I suppose that is why Sam and I are so good for each other. We like to hide away from the world. When we do go out, it's together. It's always fun and when we lay in bed at night and talk about it. This makes me content. When I was a child, all I wanted in the world was someone who would understand me. Having lots of friends is not a big deal to me, having someone like Sam is. So there, I've figured it out. I now know exactly how to feel about not being invited to a Halloween party. Perfectly fine.

So, here are a few pictures from the past few weeks. Oh, that's another thing! I am trying to take more pictures and videos. I want to be able to look back and have a visual to my memories. Anyway, back to the recent pictures. Since the colder weather is upon us, I am going to be baking a whole lot. So I started with some blueberry scones and then the other day I made some chocolate chip cookies. Yum! When I was digging out stuff for Halloween, we decided maybe we could stuff the Chewbacca costume and sit him on the porch, or not. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

See, what had happened was......

Alright. Yes, I'm a terrible blog mommy. It's just that my life is so dang boring. Seriously. All I do is work or complain about not working when I'm not working. It's so very sad, but that's just the reality I live. So, instead of sitting here trying to think of things to post up. I am going to work on music and then, if I'm up to it, I shall sit myself in front of the sewing machine and I'm gonna sew. Yeah, I'm gonna sing and sew. Because that is what life should be about. Well, that's what I'd like my life to be about annnnnd I'M OFF!!! Later alligators!

btw, the image I used is my cat Cloud. He doesn't give a deuce if you tell him to get off of the table. He does what he wants. I love him.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jeez Louise

Alright, so I have yet again neglected a blog. My apologies, although I am sure I have absolutley no readers. Anyway, so very much has happened since my last entry. As pictured, we ventured to Lost Lake and "Baby Falls" for my 28th birthday and again on another day. Both trips were so fun and relaxing that I really wish we could make more time for more of them. Work has been crazy and it feels non-stop. We have yet to work on music and just last night realized that we enjoy eating more than anything. I mean, when we are eating at our favorite places, its a euphoric experience. Its kind of sad, but that's just how things are right now. I've got to finish getting ready for work. I hope I can continue this later.

Friday, July 23, 2010

My little piece of heaven.

Ever since I was a youngling, I had always begged my grandma for a drum set, then she would scold me about all the noise I would make. She was right to do so. I can't even imagine the destruction I would have caused on her poor nerves. So when the opportunity arrose for a chance to finally own my own drum set, I pounced! My guy had stumbled upon the ad on Craigslist and it was a good deal. We happened to have the funds at the time and I was stoked. I called the phone number listed and arranged a visit to check them out. It wasn't very far from my house and the girl was so very nice, though I cannot remember her name (I'm terrible with names btw). She had them set up in the garage very nicely. I must admit, I was so very nervous, but excited as well. I rang the door bell and she appeared. She greeted me very kindly and showed me to her garage. I must have had the biggest, goofiest grin ever. It took very little for her to sell me on them. Almost immeditaly, I said "I'll TAKE'EM!!" She laughed and said "Well alright, bring your car around and I'll load'em up for you." We took them home and set them up in our garage next to the dryer. The bass didn't sound so well at first, but after we stuffed a few old pillows inside, it was just right. My guy would go out there and come back sweating up a storm. I bmostly went out there when I was feeling sad or angry. It was a great way to alleviate my sorrows. So, now I come to the sad part of the story. It has been a year now and due to financial struggles, I must part with my dear "shitty" drum kit. I really wish I had made more time to play them, but I truly hope they go to a great home and some kid or woman child like myself, gets them and loves them as much as I have and always will. Farewell my little piece of heaven. I will miss you. (Yes, I am talking and bidding farewell to an inanimate object, don't judge me) Maybe someday soon I shall have another chance to own another drum set. A girl can only hope. ^.^

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ever so lovely.

I don't believe in marriage, but I would marry this band in a heart beat. That's right. Three husbands and a wife. I'd do it.

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July! Fun foreveryone, except for my dude.

It was a lovely night. Though, I did have to work for a few hours and when I got home it was so quiet and dull. I began to worry that everyone was going to lock themselves in their rooms for the rest of the night. Our neighbors across the street started early amd got the ball rolling. One minute the little nephew and I are peeping out the window watching them have fun. The next minute we sat on the porch to get a better look. The next thing you know, the whole family (excluding my guy) are out with their lawn chairs and the party is on! I had a whole mess of sparklers saved up from past celebrations. Six years worth. There would always be boxes left over and I would save them. This year we lit every single one! It was a blast (literally!). I only wish my guy would have been there to enjoy it with us. He works almost every holiday and misses out on all the fun with me and his family. Maybe he will start looking for a better job soon. A girl can hope. Aside from that sad situation, we really did enjoy the evening and I hope the neighbors weren't too disturbed with us for blasting "People of the Sun" by RATM. It was a last minute selection ^.^

Saturday, July 3, 2010

I <3 this cup.

I spent $20 on this and my dude nearly had a heart attack. I think he was just jealous, because it kind of replaced the Denny's cup he got for me when we were dating way back when. He managed to convince a waitor to sell it to him for 5 bucks! Ahhh I love my romantic man, but I also love my Castle!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


A few months ago, my boyfriends cousin sold us this box of well taken care of comic books (for $50 bucks!). A few weeks later he offered up yet another box and we bought that one as well. I didn't want to touch them as they are as I previously mentioned, very well taken care of. So tonight, I say "f*** it!" I'm reading them! I've never been able to start my own comic book collection. Mostly because all of my money goes to bills and groceries. Believe me, I have tried, but my guy said it is a huge financial commitment we just can't make. Sadness. I used to get trade paperbacks from the library, but the selection was slim. When I was a little girl, I had an uncle who promised to give me his comic collection. He was a massive Marvel fan, but had a wide variety of reads. I was so excited! Then he re-married and gave his step-sons his collection instead. They ended up selling it and my heart was secretly broken. Still is, but it doesn't matter anymore. I have 2 boxes of fun waiting for me and I just can't wait! Later alligators, I'm gonna get my read on.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Star Wars in concert. A most excellent time!

My dude won these tickets and boy what a prize. We had the best time and I got to take pics with some awesome costumed people! I so badly wanted to take a picture with this little boy dressed as Han Solo but I was too chicken to ask him. I however DID get a pic with Shaak Ti and "Nintendo" Vader, which absolutely made my day. Shaak Ti is my all time favorite Jedi Master. Or Mistress. It was a fantastic experience and lovely to see so many families and Star Wars geeks in Fresno. I hope this brings great things to the city, like conventions and what not.

Found our seats! Free tickets rule. ^.^

Friday, June 11, 2010

Girls who play.

I'm going to start collecting pictures like these. They give me insperado.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fun times at the little carnival.

It was small and there weren't many people, but it was so very fun. We got to ride the ferris wheel and the tilt-a-whirl. It felt like ours was the spinniest. I really wanted to get on the fire ball and zipper, but my guy wasn't having it. We shared a churro and sat on a bench for awhile. Soaking it all in. The weather was perfect and I gave my extra tickets to a very happy little kid. Fun times were indeed had.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I just don't know.

I have 3 days off of work. Well, maybe. I'm still an "on-call" for my other job, but have been unreliable lately. Anyway, I have these 3 days and its Memorial Day weekend. Most would be super happy about this. I should be happy about this. So why am I so worried. Just can't seem to relax. Which is beyond irritating. The fear of not being able to take care of things and myself is aweful. I hate you adulthood. We don't even have a place of our own, and still, we struggle. Going back to college was something that I never seriously considered doing. It was only something to be said when being grilled and scolded by pesky family members. I think its time to go back. Just like Jack said. "We have to go back!". Alright alright, there was my transition to talk about Lost. I will miss that show dearly and will continue to watch it for years to come. Well then; I think this will be it for now.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ever so tired.

It has been a wack-o bonkers month so far. It feels as though I've been on auto-pilot this whole time. It isn't so bad really. Working a lot means more money, right? Eh, whatevs. All I know is that I am exhausted. I just want some time to work on stuff I actually enjoy doing. Music, sewing, reading, and just lazying around the house a bit. I know things are gonna slow down at work soon and I'll be begging to work.
In the meantime, I intend to spend this Sunday watching the Blackhawks game, working on music, start a sewing project, and of course, Lost. The season finale. I'm wayyyyy excited! It is insane how many hours one can put into a tv show, but its just so fun. It almost makes me sad to know its gonna be over in less than 24 hours. Yet, I am dying to know what this was all for!! What will happen to Jack now that he's the protector of the Island!? Will he be alone? Will he even succeed in defeating the man in black??!! Surely he will. He must! Gah! I can't wait ^.^

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mom Day.

To be quite honest, I mostly dread this day. My mom died when I was 5, and she herself was very young. So its just another day to me. Although, I still have 1 grandma left and I lived with her for a year or two. Not to mention my awesome mother-in-law. She's pretty cool as well. Still, I am sad.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Mind Bullets.

How shall I start? Had a long, but productive day at work. I suppose I'm super lucky to be able to work with such lovely people. I sense change very soon. Which makes me uneasy, but it will be fine. I'm just so happy to be home now. Although, I've got a bit of a headache at the moment. I'm sure its because I'm having the hardest time with a song right now. I am not good with words, so writing songs is not my thing. Everything I've made so far has been so juvenile and silly. Then again, most songs seem to be just that anyway. I'm just going to do what I always do. I just get tired of reminding myself that this is fun. It is fun and I truly believe it, it just sucks when you are doing it and all that you want to do is rest from your long day at work. I shall conquer this song! Ugh, and I've still got to come up witgh band name suggestions. ~.~ Alright, that is all for now. I've only got an hour left to work on this in peace.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Wow, 8 months and no post! Well I'm here now, so the search teams can be called off. I live! Found a way to finally update this thing on a semi-regular basis. Got some pretty cool news reguarding my musical life and may also be moving soon. Where to? I have no idea. I just hope it's somewhere nice. I'm crossing my fingers for Chicago or San Francisco. Although with my luck? Its gonna be down the street. Anyhow, bought a digital recorder and have already mastered 2 songs. Yayyy. I've been working a lot and am starting to feel a bit worn out, but I am happy.