Saturday, June 26, 2010


A few months ago, my boyfriends cousin sold us this box of well taken care of comic books (for $50 bucks!). A few weeks later he offered up yet another box and we bought that one as well. I didn't want to touch them as they are as I previously mentioned, very well taken care of. So tonight, I say "f*** it!" I'm reading them! I've never been able to start my own comic book collection. Mostly because all of my money goes to bills and groceries. Believe me, I have tried, but my guy said it is a huge financial commitment we just can't make. Sadness. I used to get trade paperbacks from the library, but the selection was slim. When I was a little girl, I had an uncle who promised to give me his comic collection. He was a massive Marvel fan, but had a wide variety of reads. I was so excited! Then he re-married and gave his step-sons his collection instead. They ended up selling it and my heart was secretly broken. Still is, but it doesn't matter anymore. I have 2 boxes of fun waiting for me and I just can't wait! Later alligators, I'm gonna get my read on.

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